Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Obama and McCain are both Five Dollar Heroes

So the Obama campaign took a day off from filling inboxes with pleas for campaign contributions, instead filling inboxes with pleas for contributions to the National Disaster Relief Fund. Putting small-dollar contributions to work en masse...that's the Five Dollar Hero spirit! (Which I borrowed from the Obama campaign in the first place.)

And on the other side of the aisle, First Lady Laura Bush and would-be first lady Cindy McCain opened the Republican convention by encouraging delegates to each contribute five dollars (sound familiar?) to relief efforts.

So Barack Obama and John McCain, you are hereby declared Five Dollar Heroes. Now, both of you, don't make me regret it. Play nice.

And if you, dear reader, haven't contributed yet, the link in this post will take you there. Next week's charity pick will also focus on Hurricane Gustav relief, so stay tuned.

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