Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Grameen Foundation

You've heard the old adage about the benefits of giving a guy a fish versus teaching him to fish. The Grameen Foundation, this week's charity, puts that into practice by providing poor people with the means to start businesses and lift themselves out of poverty.

The Grameen Foundation offers microloans to people around the world, mostly women, so they can start businesses. A loan of $100 may not seem like much here, but in Africa or Asia, that seed money can be used to start a business to save an entire family from hunger and homelessness. The foundation's partners set goals for the borrowers, in terms of business success as well as social success. Through Grameen and its many partners, thousands of people aren't just getting fed -- they're out of poverty for good.

A little money goes a long way...just like the Five Dollar Hero spirit! So click here to learn more about the Grameen Foundation, and then click here to donate your $5. I bet if all the blog's readers chipped in, we could, at the very least, fund one microloan somewhere, and help change a family's life.

Update: I may have to change the name of this blog...Grameen is only accepting $10 donations online. I'm going for it anyway, because I admire what they do. So make it $10!

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