Sunday, January 4, 2009

Weekly Charity: CARE

Both at home and abroad, poverty has been on the rise, and women continue to take the brunt of it, especially in rural areas and developing nations. CARE, which has been around since 1945, has focused on helping to lift women out of poverty, both here in the U.S. and around the world.

The nice thing about CARE is that while they help treat the symptions of poverty, such as providing food and shelter, they're primarily interested in stamping out poverty altogether by offering work programs, microloans, training and other long-term solutions.

This charity is a particularly good steward of donations -- all their financial information is right online here, and you can see that the bulk of donations go right to people who need help, instead of on mailings, hosting fundraisers, all that superfluous stuff.

So go ahead and check out what CARE does by clicking here, then go to their donation page and put down your $5 next to mine!

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