Sunday, January 4, 2009

No excuses

Yes, it's been more than a month since I've last posted. Indeed, it's an entirely new year now. I could, of course, blame the end-of-year crunch at work, the holidays, vacation, whatever...but the fact of the matter is I didn't get it done. And I really do regret that.

So let's call this a 2009 resolution. I'm going to get back on top of this blog and do my best to update it at LEAST weekly. Apologies to all those who have followed this blog...I'll do better. After all, the coming year promises to be a difficult one for many both here and abroad, and charities are going to need our help more than ever.

As always, of course, if you have any suggestions for this blog, or worthy charities that you feel should be featured, please drop me a line at Or if I slip up again and don't post, call me out on it!

Thanks for your patience with me and this blog. Happy New Year, all.


patricia northrop said...
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patricia northrop said...

So glad to see that you are back.
We were worried about you.