eBay's Giving Works site not only features the usual array of charity auction items, like a Napa Valley honeymoon or a chance to be a roadie for The Who, but also thousands of more typical eBay auctions -- jewelry, vintage clothing, books, antiques, sports memorabilia, you name it. These items are sold by everyday people who want to earn a little something for their favorite cause.
Everything works just like the typical eBay auction, except the proceeds to the seller's choice of nonprofits. If you're buying, read the whole listing carefully to see how much of the proceeds will go to charity (It's a range 10% to 100%), and what organization will benefit. Be sure to look before buy something cool, only to realize it goes toward some cause you can't get behind.
If you're selling, you determine how much goes to charity and how much you want to keep, and you get a break on your listing fees commensurate with the donated proceeds. All charity auctions are marked with the little ribbon you see in the image on this posting.
So check it out, clean out the attic, and sell some old junk for a good cause. Or fill your attic with new junk, also for said good cause. Whatever works for you.
1 comment:
And for the minimalist who doesn't like a ton of stuff lying around the house, buy the stuff and then donate it!!!
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